Friday, January 4, 2013

Artwork Around the House...

One thing we have been focusing on is the artwork in our home.  We bought our house last June and have done some projects, but we were also gone for a good part of 2012, so we never quite got it to the stage where it feels perfectly homey.

Artwork can be tricky because you want great pieces, but sometimes you have to wait until you find them and let the space develop over time.  I have a lot of my old sculptures from grad school in storage in our basement, so we went through those and pulled a few that could be hung and some that could be repurposed into other things (Christmas gifts!).

Here are a few things we have hanging around...

This is a piece we purchased in Australia at a local fair - just a simple piece for one of the hallways

This is part of a piece from my grad school sculpture collection.  Full piece here

This is our walkway, one of my favorite wall areas, I love these old vintage mirrors that were a gift

This is our one true piece of art, from my dear friend Lauren Scott - best piece in the house
This is a new addition - a small gallery of our most recent trip (currently Australia)
Here is a piece that I have been eyeing on Etsy.  When Matt gets a job, I think we'll buy a few larger paintings to round out the house... Here is the link to this one if you can afford it before I can!

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