Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Tree...

We went and got our Christmas tree a few weeks ago.  It's been a few years since we cut it down ourselves because normally we are going out of town for Christmas, so we just get a small tree and then enjoy the one at our parents' house.  Our first year after getting married we were broke since I still didn't have a job and we opted for Chinese food as a treat instead of getting a tree that year, ha!

In Vermont, where I grew up, most people cut their own trees and we always cut ours as a family.  We would take turns having the final say on the tree.  I remember it was a ton of work for my dad - we traipsed out in the snow as a big group, picked and chose, argued and coerced to get just the right tree.  After we finally had one, my dad had to get down on the ground and cut it with a hand saw and then he had to drag it back to the car through all the snow and sometimes mud, depending on how cold it was. 

At the place we went to on Saturday, we were a little put off because you got to ride out on a wagon to the trees, then point to the one you wanted, and the workers would cut it for you with a chainsaw, then put it on the wagon for you, take it back to the farm, twine it up and then load it on your car for you. 


We opted for our own walking in the trees, choosing and cutting ourselves, then Matt dragged it back, nice and sweaty as Christmas tree hunting should be!!

I will say if I didn't have Matt I would have been super thankful for the wagon option, so I can understand  doing it that way - but I'm thankful that I have Matt and that his back isn't as lousy as mine lately so he could cut and drag.

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